Coping with Executive Stress
Research has shown in recent times that Australians are amongst those who commit to the most overtime in their work in comparison with many western countries working societies across the world. It comes no surprise either then, that Australians use far less sick leave...
Three Ways to Reduce Anxiety, Fast!
The room becomes dizzy, faint…the room is closing in on us and we can’t breathe. …… Our heart beat makes us feel as though our heart is jumping out of our chest …… Trying to swallow is like trying to swallow a giant bliss, protein ball without chewing first ……. The...
Four Simple Steps to Reverse Negative Thinking
Experiencing emotional pain is one those things our society tells us we should look to move away from and avoid at all costs. As such we grow up an exist in community where it is not socially acceptable to experience, feel or express anger or feel safe to admit we...